Maintenance Pre-Release of Lime
Version 9.18.8
About Maintenance Pre-Release Versions:
- Maintenance pre-release versions enable Lime users to obtain the latest bug fixes and to experiment with new features.
They are converted to releases, unless a problem is identified.
- New users may prefer not to start with a pre-release version, but instead download the release version for Windows or Macintosh.
- Replace your older Lime program with this new maintenance pre-release one (and always ensure the latest MARL & TUFA fonts are installed).
Replacement of any of the other files is optional, provided your version is at least 9.18.
Download Lime LimeCompressed91880.exe or for Windows 2000 or later (6512 kbytes)
Download Lime for Macintosh OSX 10.4 up to 10.14 (12152 kbytes)
(Lime will NOT work on Mac OSX 10.15 or later because Apple have, unhelpfully, dropped support for 32 bit applications).
There have been 33215 pre-release Lime downloads from this web page since November 2000.
Send email to
for consultancy.
Please Donate to the Development of Lime for the Blind and Partially Sighted, if you use it regularly.
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If you are a GoodFeel user, you may need to check with Dancing Dots that your version is compatible with this version of Lime.