Lime Music Notation Software for Macintosh
Version 9.18.7
Lime was written by Lippold Haken and Dorothea Blostein.
These are the machine requirements for running Macintosh OSX Lime:
- Mac OS X.
- OSX 10.4 up to MacOS 10.14, Mojave;  (for earlier systems, 9.03 is required from the archive).
- A simple MIDI keyboard is recommended (but not essential)
- Lime will NOT work on Mac OSX 10.15 (Catalina) or later because Apple have, unhelpfully, dropped support for 32 bit applications.
To install Lime for Macintosh OS X:
- Download the zip file from: Lime for OS X (, 12141 kbytes).
- Expand the zip file, which will make a folder Lime™9.18.7 with the Lime program, the Lime manual, example pieces, fonts, and so on.
- You will probably want to copy the folder to your applications folder.
- It is recommended that you install the fonts, but this is not essential.
- N.B. Lime is not signed for Mountain Lion, or later. You can bypass the initial Gatekeeper check by right clicking on the Lime App and choosing the 'Open' command. Once it has been opened one time, Gatekeeper no longer has any control over it.
For old Macs go to Lime for Mac OS9, or visit the Archive.
On Windows and Mac OSX, Basic Lime may be used free of charge. Donations are welcome and go towards the development of facilities for Low Vision and Blind musicians.
We encourage you to distribute Lime.
There have been 48484 Macintosh Lime downloads from this web site since November 2000.
Send email to
for consultancy.
Please Donate to the Development of Lime for the Blind and Partially Sighted, if you use it regularly.
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