Lime Music Notation Software for Old Macs
Version 9.00
Lime was written by Lippold Haken and Dorothea Blostein.
These are the machine requirements for running Lime on very Old Macs:
- Mac OS 9. (version 9.0; for Mac OS 7, Mac OS 8, and 68k macs an even older version of Lime is still available)
- 32 Mbytes or more of memory
- 15 Mbytes of disk space
- Adobe Acrobat Reader or equivalent (to read Lime’s PDF documentation)
- Mac OS 9 users must use OMS (included in the Lime release package)
- A MIDI keyboard is recommended (but not essential) and a MIDI synthesizer of some sort is highly recommended
- PostScript printer (highly recommended)
To install Lime for Macintosh OS 9 or earlier:
- Download one of the following: Lime for OS 9 (Lime900-os9.sea.hqx, 4083 kbytes) or the Previous Release Lime (for OS 7, OS 8, and 68k, Lime742.sea.hqx, 1776 kbytes).
- Your web browser should decode the downloaded file automatically. If it does not, you can decode it using any program that does BinHex decoding. Decoding will make a StuffIt archive file.
- Your web browser should expand the StuffIt archive automatically. If it does not, you can expand it using any program that does StuffIt expanding. Expanding will make a folder with the Lime program, the Lime manual, example pieces, fonts, and so on.
- Read the instructions in the LimeManual file for the rest of the install procedure.
For more modern Macs go to Lime for Mac OSX.
Basic Lime may be used free of charge. Donations are welcome and go towards the development of facilities for Low Vision and Blind musicians.
On Windows and Mac OSX, Lime no longer limits the number of trial runs. However, on Mac OS 9 or earlier it still does; so contact us if you need a licence key to go on using Lime (alternatively, whenever you have run out of free runs, delete Lime Preferences from the System/Preferences folder).
There have been 48550 Macintosh Lime downloads from this web site since November 2000.
Send electronic mail to or
Please Donate to the Development of Lime for the Blind and Partially Sighted, if you use it regularly.
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